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‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ A new collective agreement anchors recuperation day pay on IL 378 per day

July 25, 2017

On July 25, 2017, a collective bargaining agreement was executed between the Coordinating Bureau of the Economic Organizations and the Histadrut, according to which the amount of the recuperation pay will remain unchanged at ILS 378 per recuperation day, despite the increase in the Israeli price of living index over the past year. The recuperation pay will be paid to full-time employees for actual work according to the following rates: for the first year of work - 5 recuperation days, for the second and third years - 6 recuperation days, for the fourth year and up to the tenth year - 7 recuperation days, for the eleventh year and up to the fifteenth year - 8 recuperation days, for the sixteenth year and up to the nineteenth year 9 recuperation days and for the twentieth year onward - 10 recuperation days.