As a startup nation, the issue of employee stock options plan (ESOP) in high-tech companies is not strange to the Israeli corporate world.
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AFIK & Co. is much more than a traditional legal service provider. We take pride in our firm’s ability to provide top-notch legal and business services in almost every area of business law.
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Employee options are an important tool for recruiting and rewarding employees as well as retention of employees - the company provides a cheap salary replacement for a company that prefers to use its resources for growth (and in a growth company, the options will be worth much more than cash payment) and at the same time, it is a very powerful tool for retention of employees and creating personal commitment by identifying with the interests of the company (the employee will lose the options or part thereof if he leaves and he has an interest in working better because he benefits from the company's growth).
In the classic film “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968), Hal9000, the artificial intelligence system contends: “No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information.
Almost any Israeli employer or employee is familiar with "Section 14" and employers usually ensure that employees sign an agreement to "Section 14" - a signature which since 2008 is redundant - but in practice, in many cases the conduct is not duly made and not only do conflicts arise when employees retire but when a company is sold, as part of the due diligence process, the budgetary "holes" are revealed and cause a significant decrease in value for the company.
It’s a small(er) world…, you no longer need to be a Marco Polo to reach China and you can easily book a room in a hotel in Chile without buying a travel guide, all via a website in Hebrew.
The Israeli Capital Investments Encouragement Law 1959 ("Law"), was enacted with the aim of encouraging capital investments and economic initiatives in such a manner that priority will be given to technological innovation through various tax benefits.
As of June 27, 2024, all companies in Israel are required to submit electronic reports to the Israeli Companies Registrar - ostensibly a technical amendment intended to perhaps save manpower at the Companies Registrar by removing the requirement to type in the manual forms, but in practice a significant change that may reduce the gross negligence in which a large number of companies in Israel conduct themselves.
An entrepreneur decided to cooperate with a social media influencer and promote a 'joint venture' in the field of trade via a designated website established for this purpose, in return for paying commissions and sharing profits at an agreed rate.
The business world is difficult enough as it is, and in addition to the day-to-day difficulties of establishing a business and maintaining its success, businesses, including small businesses, are exposed to frivolous lawsuits filed by individuals whose entire purpose is to try and "milk" the business.
There are some very acute questions such as: the Maccabi or Hapoel basketball team, coffee or tea, Coke or Pepsi, but for years, one of the most basic question has always been - Apple or Android?
A person receives a property tax bill to pay, for an apartment that is not his at all, just because the apartment belonged to his deceased mother.
It is said that every Jewish mother's wet dream is for her son to be a doctor or a lawyer - the mother of the Google search engine (if she is Jewish) is probably very proud of it, because many people (for some reason) are certain that it is not only a doctor, a lawyer and an expert in almost everything, but it is also capable of writing a prenuptial agreements - a very complex topic that requires many years of training in many fields, but couples before marriage sometimes think that a search on the Internet can replace an experienced professional.
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