Notaries Regulations (services fee), 1978*
Notarial Services

Notaries Regulations (services fee), 1978*


Notaries Regulations (services fee), Tashlaz-1978*
In accordance with my powers according to regulation 4(d) of Notaries Regulations (Services Fee), Tashlav-1976, and other powers lawfully granted to me, and with the approval of the Kenesset’s financial committee according to 1(b) to Basic Law: The State Economy, I hereby regulate the following regulations:
Services Fee Notice, Tashpa-2020
1. Against service of the services detailed herein in column A, a notary shall collect a fee in the amount stipulate in column B besides the same service, in addition to an amount equal to the VAT which the notary is obliged to pay for that service:
Column B
Column A – Fee rate
The rate in ILS
1. Signature Certification
(a) Certification of a single signatory as a first signatory 178
(b) Any signature of an additional signatory on the same document 70
(c) Confirmation of a signatory on one’s behalf, for any such signature including the fee according to paragraphs (a) or (b) 70
(d) More than one signature on document and on a copy of that document is certified at the same time, including a certification as in (c) or without it, for any such copy 70
Tas’shah Regulations -2007
(d) If the service as in (a) to (d) includes
A translation of the document by the notary – half the fee stipulated in item 3(a) according to the number of letters in the same document
2. (a)
Certification of a copy of a document –
For the first page 70
For any additional page 5
(b) More than one photographic copy is certified at the same time, for each additional certification on top of the first one -
For the first page 23
For any additional Page 5
3. (a) Certification of correctness of a translation -
(1) Up to the first hundred words in the translated document 224
(2) For every additional hundred words or part of them, up to a thousand words 178
(3) For every hundred additional words or part of them, over the first thousand words 86
(b) More than one of the same translations is certified at once, for each additional certification on top of the first one 70
4. Certification of a will drafted according to section 22 of the Law of Inheritance, Ha’tashka-1965-
(a) First signatory 259
(b) For each additional signatory 132
(c) More than one certification of the will is granted at the same time, per each additional certification 79
Tash’sah Regulations - 2007
(d) If the Certification of the will involves its translation by the Notary, half of the fixed fee shall be added
According to the number detailed in 3(a)
The words in the will
5. Confirmation that John Doe is alive 178
6. Approval and certification of an affidavit given under oath or in another way -
(a) For the first statement 180
(b) For each additional declarant 72
(c) More than one approval for the same affidavit is granted at the same time, for each additional certification 70
Tash’sah Regulations - 2007
(d) If the certification of the affidavit involves its translation by the Notary, half of his fixed fee
Shall be added according to the number detailed in item 3(a)
The words in the affidavit
7. A notice of non-payment of a bill, including a translation if required -
(a) If the amount for which the testimony is required does not exceed ILS 80,700 1,136
(b) The aforementioned amount exceeded ILS 80,700 2,430
Everything is added to the travel expenses from the notary's office to the place of testimony and back.
Tash’sah Regulations - 2007
7a. Registering a note regarding the cancellation of a Power of Attorney or other document according to Section 5 of the Notary Regulations, Ha’tashlaz-1977 (hereinafter – “Notary Regulations”) -
(a) Receiving the cancellation notice and recording it as a note in a copy of the Power of Attorney or the document kept by the Notary according to regulation 5(c) of Notary Regulations 191
(b) Issuance of a certified copy of the power of attorney or another document bearing the note regarding the revocation according to regulations 5(c) of Notary Regulations 68
(c) for each additional copy 68
8. Any other action that a Notary is empowered to preform subject to any law,
Authorized to do according subject any law, at the minimum recommended rate
and that its fee was not determined in the Bar Association Regulations,
these actions and in the absence of any such determination -
The amount determined for the action
Most similar to it, and in its absence
Determination – 281
Tash’sah Regulations-2007
9. (a) Doing actions that a Notary is authorized to do subject to any law, other than in the Notary's office and at the express request of the recipient of the service to be given elsewhere - with the exception of an action that by its nature cannot be performed in his office - in addition to the fee specified in items 1 to 8 and 11, according to the matter, and in addition to the travel expenses from the Notary's office to the place of providing the service and back - the number of operations in the same instance shall be:
(1) For the first hour or part thereof from the Notary leaving his office until his return 578
(2) For each additional half hour or part thereof 178
(b) If a Notary is requested to perform actions in the same place, at the same time, by several people, the share of each service requester in the same status in the travel expenses as stated in paragraph (a) shall be his share in the total of service requesters in the same status.
(c) The Notary left his office at the request of the recipient of the service, in order to perform an action, and the action he was asked to perform was not performed for reasons beyond his control, the Notary shall be entitled to the salary as detailed in paragraph (a)(1) and (2) as well as to travel expenses from the Notary's office to the place that was intended for providing the service and back.
Tash’sah Regulations - 2007
10. The service is provided between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the next day or on rest days, with the exception of an operation within the scope of item 9 - a rate of 50% of the fixed fee in each of items 1 to 8 and 11, as the case may be, shall be added to the fee.
Tash’ah Regulations - 2007
11. (a) Certification of a financial agreement made according to Section 2(c1) of the Property Relations between Spouses Law, Ha’tashlag - 1973 394
Tash’ah Regulations - 2007
(b) Certification of additional copies of the same prenup is granted at the same time, for each additional certification 68
Tash’sah Regulations - 2007
(c) If the certification of the prenup involves its translation by the Notary half the fee shall be added
According to the number detailed in item 3(a)
The words in the prenup
Tash’ah Regulations - 2007
12. If the Notary issued the notarial certificate according to details 1 to 8 and 11, as the case may be, in a foreign language, other than Arabic or English, an amount of ILS 94 shall be added to the certification
Full or partial exemption from fee collection Tash’az Regulations-2007
1a. (a) Notwithstanding what is stated in regulation 1, a Notary may not charge a fee, in whole or in part, for a service rendered according to the law if one of the following conditions is met:
(1) The Notary is convinced that the applicant for the service is indigent, among other things, according to a document indicating that it was presented to him by the applicant;
(2) The service is provided to a new immigrant or returning resident, who presented to the Notary a certificate to that effect from the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption; For the purposes of this paragraph, a "new immigrant" - a person regarding which seven years from the date on which one of the following occurred has not yet passed:
(a) He was given an immigrant certificate according to the Law of Return, 1950;
(b) He was given a certificate of an immigrant citizen or a certificate of a returning minor from the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption;
"Returning resident" - a person who received returning resident status from the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption after staying abroad for at least five years, and 24 months have not yet passed from the date of receiving said returning resident status;
(3) The service was requested due to a mistake by the Notary in drawing up a certificate or in drawing up a document for which a certificate was granted.
(b) The Notary shall attach to the copy of the notarial confirmation a copy the document presented to him as stated in subsection (a)(1) or (2).
Editing a copy in fulfillment of a legal obligation
2. An additional copy of a certificate is made that is not suitable for the client but in fulfillment of the legal obligation regarding the preservation of the copy by a Notary or regarding the delivery of the copy to a public authority - no additional fee shall be charged for the aforementioned copy.
3. These regulations shall not apply to a service provided by a Notary for the purposes of implementing Convention 48 regarding the preservation of immigrant pension rights, 1935.
4. (a) Any amount determined in these regulations, whether as a fee or as a basis for calculating the fee, shall change on January 1 of each year (hereinafter – “Day of change”), according to the rate of increase of the new index compared to the basic index.
(b) in this regulation -
"Index" - the price index
to the consumer published by the Central Bureau of Statistics;
"The new index" - the index published in the month of November preceding Day of change;
"The basic index" - with regard to the change on January 15, 1987 - the index published on October 15, 1986, and with regard to each Day of change after that - the index published in the month of November preceding the previous Day of change.
(c) (1) If the new amount was a fee, the amount shall be rounded to the nearest ILS and an amount of ILS 50 shall be rounded up;
(2) If the new amount is the basis for fee calculation, it shall be rounded to the nearest amount that is a multiple of ILS 100, and an amount of ILS 50 shall be rounded up.
(d) The Director General of the Ministry of Justice shall publish a notice in the records containing the wording of regulation 1 as amended due to what is stated in sub-regulations (a) to (c).
Cancellation of Tash’lat Regulations - 1979
4a. The notaries' regulations (fee for services), Tash’alz -199 – Void.
5. The commencement of these regulations on the first of the month after their publication.

Notarial Powers of Attorney

Signing notarial powers of attorney

Notarial signature verification

Execution of documents before a notary public

Notarial Original Copy

Notarial Original Copy

Execution of documents for use outside Israel

Notarial execution of documents intended for use outside Israel

Life Certificate

Notarial Life Certificates

Testimonial on a negotiable document

Testimonial on a negotiable document

Notarial Affidavit

Execution of notarial affidavits

Notarial translations

Translating and authenticating notarial translations

Notarial wills and testaments

Preparing and execution of notarial wills and testaments

Notarial Prenups

Preparing and approving notarial prenuptial agreements and editing prenuptial agreements for Court approval

Common-Law Marriages Agreements

Common-Law Marriages Agreements, joint parenting agreements and other agreements between spouses who do not want, or cannot, marry


Performing apostille verification for notarized documents

Form of Doctor Certificate under section 4(e) of the Notarization Regulations