Israeli law demands that when a document is required to be used outside of Israel and is one of the following, it must be made before a notary: verification of a signature of a document, confirmation of the correctness of a copy, the correctness of inventory, a negotiable document and any document or other action when under law it is to be made before a notary public, including under foreign law.
We provide the service for execution of such documents as well as apostillization procedures for validating these documents for outside of Israel (see the chapter on Apostille). When a document is intended for use outside Israel (e.g., embassy, sale or purchase of real estate or shares outside of Israel, handing over documents for certification or obtaining a certificate outside of Israel, obtaining insurance benefits, etc.), it is important to ascertain whether apostillization is required and if there is doubt, we advise to do the apostillization procedure.
In addition, we also provide services of notarial signing outside Israel of documents for use in Israel (when for this purpose the notary is required to fly to the required country and personally have the person sign there in front of the notary)
Notarial Powers of Attorney
Signing notarial powers of attorney
Notarial signature verification
Execution of documents before a notary public
Notarial Original Copy
Notarial Original Copy
Life Certificate
Notarial Life Certificates
Testimonial on a negotiable document
Testimonial on a negotiable document
Notarial Affidavit
Execution of notarial affidavits
Notarial translations
Translating and authenticating notarial translations
Notarial wills and testaments
Preparing and execution of notarial wills and testaments
Notarial Prenups
Preparing and approving notarial prenuptial agreements and editing prenuptial agreements for Court approval
Common-Law Marriages Agreements
Common-Law Marriages Agreements, joint parenting agreements and other agreements between spouses who do not want, or cannot, marry
Performing apostille verification for notarized documents