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Using a road for decades will not create an easement if it was originally made by agreement.

November 18, 2018

In a complex of buildings, the entrance path to an internal building has been, for many decades, through the second building, but the purchaser of the apartment to which it was attached blocked the passage.
The Court rejected the tenants' claim for a right of passage. An easement (such as a right of passage) by virtue of years is created as a result of continuous use without the consent of the owners for a period of not less than thirty years. Here, the right of passage was originally consensual and therefore the passage through the plot was not contrary to the right of ownership and no easement was created. In addition, when there is no need to pass through a plot and one, as in this case, may reach the plot by another manner, even if an easement is created, it can be canceled and therefore the right of passage will remain for another two years only, in order to allow the construction of an alternative entry.