Right to stay permit in Israel for investor and foreign experts

Right to stay permit in Israel for investor and foreign experts

May 25, 2016

The State of Israel has become in recent years an international economical center requiring entry into Israel of non-Israelis, sometimes for longer periods. Such are both foreign investors in Israeli corporations and foreign experts required for the development and success of Israeli companies. To cope with the will to continue and develop the Israeli economy and because entry permits are very limited Israel has over the years amended the Entry into Israel Law (1952) so that today such law enables two main routes of following the prerequisites.

The first route to enable entry of foreigners from the economy and trade field to Israel is a permit meant to encourage foreign investors in Israel. Such permit enables several entry arrangements for investors seeking to enter Israel regularly for business. This route enables entry and stay in Israel not only for the businessman but also a close circle of family members and professional elements escorting such businessman. However, this specific route is currently limited to United States of America citizens, although in the near future it might be enhanced also to investors from other jurisdictions with which Israel has reciprocal investing relationship. For an investor visa the investor need prove investment in an Israeli company for profit where the management and control of the company is from Israel. The investment need be sizeable and one that may create economic growth in the market and work places and not one that will only finance the investor and its family.

Another route is a work permit for a foreign expert. Entry and stay of foreign experts is meant to enable Israeli corporations to receive a service that does not exist in Israel. Thus, an Israeli corporation that wishes to employ a foreign expert need prove that the foreign employee is of a special expertise and that local Israeli employees will not do. This route requires not only proof of expertise but also a substantial payment to the expert which is a least double the average salary in the market for an Israeli employee.

The process of achieving a permit of the type described above is complex and it is important to be escorted with lawyers specializing in the area to ensure taking the correct measures vis-à-vis the authorities, including the Population and Immigration Authority in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after receipt of specific data and documents.