Afik News is the bi-weekly professional magazine of Afik & Co. Attorneys and Notary
SubscribeAn owner of a maritime vessel who seeks to register it in Israeli must cancel any previous registration in a foreign registry
Maritime, Aviation and Transportation Law
Dispute Resolution
A ship registered in the Maritime Vessel Registry in Libya was arrested in the port of Burgas in Bulgaria and sold by a forced sale for the purpose of realizing a lien in favor of a creditor. After several more transactions, the ship was purchased by an Israeli entity who registered it in the Maritime […]
Where maritime cables exist a ship need to apply “Good Seamanship” to avoid damaging such
Maritime, Aviation and Transportation Law
European Law and Regulations
International Transactions and Dispute Resolution
A company that owns maritime cables demanded compensation from an operator of a fishing vessel, after the vessel accidently tore a maritime cable in the EEZ area of the North Sea between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The Court held that the vessel kept the “Good Seamanship” standard under the circumstances, hence it does […]
A “pop-up window” when approving terms online creates consent to the terms listed therein
High-Tech and Technology
Dispute Resolution
International Transactions and Dispute Resolution
AB-Inbev, which produces various beer brands (Corona, Beck, Stella, Leff, Budweiser and more), canceled after 30 years a distribution agreement with an Israeli distributor and contended that all legal proceedings between it and the distributor are required to take place in an ICC arbitration under Swiss law because in each purchase order is done online […]
In the case of parallel overt and covert agreement system the overt agreements are only for appearance and therefore of no effect
Real Estate
Dispute Resolution
A property owner entered into a rental agreement with tenants and at the same time the parties came to an oral agreement regarding the purchase of the property by the tenants in the future. After the tenants announced that they were unable to meet the purchase price, the parties signed a termination agreement but such […]
Yes. There is a difference between a notarial signature lying down or sitting
Notarial signature verification
Notarial Powers of Attorney
Notarial wills and testaments
An article dealing with notarial signatures when the signer is confined to his bed or hospitalized. The article was written by attorney Doron Afik from Afik & Co., lawyers and notaries.
Improper financial conduct does not justify the appointment of a guardian for a person who is capable of taking care of his affairs
Intergenerational Law (Trusts, Estates, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Parenting)
Lasting Power of Attorney
Dispute Resolution
A man who underwent a stroke moved to appoint his wife as a supporter in making decisions on his behalf on all his matters but his children contended that the wife intends to take advantage of him financially in light of their wasteful behavior in the past and sought to appoint a guardian for him. […]
Using a domain name identical to a competitor’s with the addition of a “hyphen” may be considered plagiarism
Commercial, Banking and Financial
Business, Corporate and Joint Ventures
Dispute Resolution
Two people founded a medical tourism company. In retrospect, it turned out that one of them provided services to company clients through a business of his wife, which uses a domain almost identical to the company’s domain name, but with a hyphen (the domain of the company is www.topichilov.com, while the competing business uses: www.top-ichilov.com). […]