Press Publications

The Pulse: Claim: Radio Milano and Avi Hazan are involved in a sting

March 13, 2011

The court in Tel Aviv imposed a temporary lien on the bank accounts of Radio Milan and VIP. "Advice for the import of luxury vehicles and its shareholder, in a foreign resident's claim for a" sting "exercise and credit card fraud

The court in Tel Aviv accepted the request of Afik Turgiman to impose a temporary lien on a lawsuit filed by an Israeli citizen living in France, against VIP consulting for the import of luxury vehicles and Radio Milano and others, alleging a stinging exercise and credit card fraud done on their behalf.

The court also imposed a lien on a vehicle which was sold to a foreign resident and which remained registered in the name of the shareholder of the VIP company.

In the lawsuit, which was filed by attorneys Shlomi Turgeman and Yizhar Levy of Afik Turgeman's firm, an Israeli citizen living in France sued for hundreds of thousands of shekels after the plaintiff allegedly purchased a car from VIP, for which ILS 325 was registered in his name. Of Avi Hazan, the shareholder in it, instead of in the name of the plaintiff, buys the vehicle.

Even a replacement vehicle that the plaintiff had to buy instead of the vehicle he ordered, for a fee of tens of thousands of additional shekels, did not fit the order and the plaintiff had to bear costs of thousands of additional shekels in order to release it from customs and repair material defects in the vehicle.

The lawsuit was also filed against Radio Milano, a well-known company in the field of car accessories, which used the plaintiff's credit card which was given to it by Hazan without the plaintiff's permission and charged the plaintiff more than ILS 20,000.