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A recipient may be obligated to click an unsecure URL link in order to cease the receipt of advertisements

January 29, 2021

A recipient who signed up for a laser hair removal company’s mailing list contended that he could not remove himself from the list, as in order to do so, he was obligated to click an unsecure URL link, which could have caused leakage of personal data.
The Court held that an advertisement that allows removal from the mailing list by clicking a URL link meets the requirements of the Law. Israeli Law gives a recipient of an advertisement the right to notify the advertiser, at any time, of the revocation of such consent by sending “a notice of refusal”, even after giving his consent in the past. Accordingly, the advertiser must indicate a recipient’s right of refusal, as well as to provide means of sending such notice. Nevertheless, the advertiser is not obligated to state any information rather than his name and means of contact. Here, next to the word "remove", each advertisement also provided a URL link through which the recipient could effectively remove himself from the mailing list. Thus, the advertisement complied with the requirements of the Law.