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Ownership of a social media page belongs to that for which the page was created for

May 21, 2023

An NGO which manages a members club opened a Facebook page for the purpose of the NGO activity. The manager of the members club at the time was appointed as manager of the page and once such was terminated he contended to be the owner of the page.

The Court held that the dismissed club manager is not the lawful owner of the page. A social media account is an integral part of the constitutional right for personality, that is a derivative of the basic right for human dignity, which by itself and separately from its individual contents may be an item protected by intellectual property rights. In this case, the activity of the Facebook page is the property of the NGO and the page was created by an NGO employee, hence the page was created for the NGO and the activity of the NGO, as such the ownership is of the NGO.