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Not any accident during a benefit activity of employees will be deemed a work accident

December 20, 2016

The National Labor Court held that the constitutional provisions of the Basic Law: An employer leased a football field for two hours a week as part of the benefits given to the employees outside working hours. During one of the games an employee was injured and moved to recognize the accident as an accident at work.

The Court held that team building events and training events organized by the employer for its employees may be recognized as a work activity. This conclusion will be strengthened the more linkage exists between the workplace and the activity. The main test is the employer's interest in the contribution of the employer to the initiating of the activity, its organization and the responsibility to it.  It is not sufficient to just call the activity “team building” or “training” or providing clothing bearing the name of the employer.  For this reason, and because the employer had not been involved in the activity other than leasing of the football field and because the activity took place outside working hours and was organized by the employees the accident was not recognized as a work accident.