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Interference of a distributee in the preparation of a will may cause the cancellation of the distribution to such distributee

March 30, 2016

After the demise of a person two wills were found, the second prepared a year after the first and only the estate manager’s identity was changed. The distributes disputed as to the validity of the second will.

The Court held that under the Israeli Inheritance Law even without any undue influence on the testator the will be no validity to a will’s provision, except in case of an oral will, that benefits the person who drafted the will, was a witness to it or otherwise took part in the preparation thereof, or the spouse of any of such. The Court has discretion whether the participation in the preparation of a will rises up to a flaw that cancels the provisions of the will and in this case, even if no specific actions of illegal interference existed, the combination of the events rises up to an undue interference that cancels the second will.