Afik News is the bi-weekly professional magazine of Afik & Co. Attorneys and Notary
SubscribeStatements according to which a person is a “racist” or a “fascist” shall not necessarily be considered defamation
High-Tech and Technology
Privacy, GDPR, Confidentiality and protection of reputation
Dispute Resolution
During a television broadcast, in response to racist remarks by Amir Hetsroni against the Moroccans in general and against another woman who was present on the show in particular, the woman called Amir Hetsroni a “racist” and a “fascist”. The Court held that under the circumstances the statements do not amount to defamation. Defamation is, […]
Termination of an engagement with a party to a contract for its “problematic nature” may be deemed a legitimate reason for its termination
Commercial, Banking and Financial
Dispute Resolution
A company decided not to renew its contract with a distributor in light of the distributor’s problematic conduct which included poor service and unfair treatment of customers and the sale of products outside the distribution zone. The Court held that the contract was duly terminated. Generally, a contract is reviewed according to its wording, when […]
The tender committee is not allowed to change the terms of the tender retrospectively
Public Law, Environment and Tenders
Dispute Resolution
A bidder was selected as the winner of a tender to perform road marking works, even though it was not registered in the contractors register and with contrary to the terms of the tender. The Court accepted the petition and annuled the decision due to the tender committee’s disregard of the terms of the tender. […]
An idea that means a lot of money, how’bout if my company purchases my shares?
Business, Corporate and Joint Ventures
Taxation and Government Incentives and Funding
Mergers and Acquisitions
Shareholders of a company agree on the exit of one of them and because the company has cash, they also agree that the company will purchase his shares. The shareholders really like the idea but it turns out that the Tax Authority likes it even more because it deems it a taxable dividend to all […]
The Fall of Credit Suisse Gives Wings to PSD2
Commercial, Banking and Financial
European Law and Regulations
Publication of an articles by Ms. Ella Rosenberg, regulation expert of the office of Afik & Co., as published on the FINANCEMAGNATES magazine
In a case of oppression and a loss of trust between the parties the injured party may be entitled to termination and damages even if the breaching party amended the breach
Business, Corporate and Joint Ventures
Dispute Resolution
A company founder left the company after the other two founders prevented him from preforming his job as CTO and unduly terminated him from his position as a director. At a later stage, he was offered to return to the company but refused and demanded compensation for his shares. The Court held that, although the […]
Theft from the employer may justify denial of severance pay
Labor Law and Immigration
Dispute Resolution
A company terminated an employee due to breach of trust and theft from the company and also refused to pay him the severance pay and advance notice fees. The Court held that the employee is not entitled to severance pay and prior notice payments due to the circumstances of the dismissal. An employer may deny […]